Transforming an ‘ordinary’ photograph

Smart Photo Editor is great for creating photo-artworks.

Below is shown a ‘before & after’ example of such a transformation.

Statues Before - After

So how was this achieved?

Here is a visual ‘step-by-step’ guide showing the  transformation stages. Note the mask – this was created using a soft edge brush – no attempt was made to be precise as it was not necessary in this instance.

Transformation Process

Let me restate the process of transformation:

  1. Load original image
  2. Crop original image
  3. Apply ‘Vibrance’ effect by Tony
  4. Apply ‘Extreme Sharpness’ by David
  5. Apply ‘Photo-art at a click 049′ by andrewb2012
  6. Create mask at this stage – basically we erased some of the ‘Photo-art at a click 049′ effect to reveal previous stage
  7. Apply ‘Vignette masks 012′ by andrewb2012
  8. Use the ‘Image Treatment’ feature to:
  • Lift ‘Darks’
  • Lift ‘Shadows’
  • Increase ‘Clarity’
  • Reduce ‘Saturation’ a little

This process is typical of how I use Smart Photo Editor.

Hope you find this useful.

